Human Utensil
Human Utensil is a spoon that is an extension of my own body. The idea originates from ancient tribal masks where the figures and faces were deformed, yet still seemed to fit the sculptural object naturally. I attempted to combine my body with the spoon to create one, continuous object.
The Beginning of the End... For Now
Global warming is a real phenomenon characterized by clear and recognizable climate change patterns. Although these patterns are not necessarily visible to the bare eye and not in every part of the world at the same time, they are happening. My sculpture takes the current data and portrays it on graphs supported by wood and steel. The graphs represent data from the following trends: global temperature annual average, glacier mean annual mass balance, sea level rise, carbon dioxide levels, and ocean heat content, with minor translations shifting each graph to begin at zero. The sculpture captures the magnitude and importance of the changes happening to the Earth. I hope it will inspire action.

Putting the frame together.

Putting the frame together with my assistant.

Attempting to stand the sculpture in a too-small room.

Putting the frame together.